A Father's Love

One of the most amazing thing about God, is His love for us.  It is great. The love of God is there for us whether we acknowledge it or not. We can go for days, weeks and even years and not speak to Him, then all of a sudden we go through something and think of Him and talk to Him and He automatically is right there listening.

You feel His Presence. You know He is with you. Now let's be honest. How many of us would get an attitude if one of our friends or a close family member quit talking to us as if nothing happened? We would be like, "now you want to talk? Now you are coming my way as if we talked all of the time? But that is not our Father God and that is not how He loves.  God just loves. God's love is perfect. He always sees the good in us even when we don't.  He always wants the best for us. He always wants us to succeed. He always wants us to win. He believes in us when no one else will.

God so loved each and everyone of us that He gave His ONLY son to die for us so that we would live. Not just live here on the earth (and live well - total life prosperity) but spend eternity with Him in Heaven. He wants us well. He wants us joyful which is way more than happy. He wants us to walk in divine health in ALL areas of our lives. Healthy mentally, physically, financially, and socially. God's love is never failing. His love will NEVER go away and to be honest, there is nothing you can do to separate His love from you. He wants us to be better and do better because He knows what He put on the inside of us. He loves us so much and it's important that you know His love and experience that love. When you grasp how much he loves you, there is not much you will put up with because you know He wants the best for you in life and that is everything. Your marriage, your job, your business, your relationships, and so much more. So if you haven't talked to God in awhile, start today. He's waiting with the most incredible love and His arms are open wide ready to receive you.  Just start talking. And yes, just the way you talk. He knows you best. There is no certain language, no certain way, just open your mouth and talk. He's waiting for you. I am praying that you start to experience God's love in such a magnitude  that it's overwhelming to you.  Let Him show out on you.  You deserve it.
~ Pastor Raq

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