The Journey

As I walk through this journey of coming from the back to the front, I am realizing even more the authority that we have as Believers. You have to got to walk your journey out. Yes it can be scary. Yes it can be lonely, but God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Most of you all know that I am transparent and I am telling the truth and shaming the devil.
I am planning my very first Women's Conference.  It is called, "And This Time Around," and I have to tell you I have been mentally attacked about this upcoming conference. The thoughts that have been coming to my mind is absolutely crazy BUT, BUT, you have to remind yourself who you are and that the Greater ONE lives on the inside of you. You have to remind yourself that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy so anything that comes to your mind that is contrary to the Word of God needs to be captured, and put the WORD on it. AND no matter how many times those negative thoughts come, you open up your mouth and declare what the Living Word of God says. Open up your mouth, encourage yourself, remind yourself in your confessions who you are and whose you are. I can't stand bullies and folks what do we do to bullies?  We stand up to them. It is time for us as the Body of Christ and SPEAK UP! We can no longer accept the thoughts that are coming to our mind, like it is okay.  It is NOT okay. We are the Body of Christ. We are the Children of God. We are Believers. We are called and equipped to take on satan and his imps and not be stopped. So let's rise and shine and let's be the beacon of light that we are called to be in our families, in our communities, on our job, in our church, in our ministries, in this world.  We ARE the answer. We can no longer be afraid to walk boldly and confidently and say what God says to say. We can no longer hide. It is time for us to come out. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and No Thing can or will hinder, stop or distract us. Rise up. Rise up. Your voice is needed. Your voice needs to be heard in this season. It is our time. Glory to God! It is our time!
~Pastor Raq

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