Chosen For Your Location

I have talked to many people from all walks of life. In talking to them, some are unhappy and feel like they trusted God and did what He told them to do, but, it does not look like what they thought it would look like. And so while listening, I remembered that once upon a time, I felt like that. But I want to say this, you have been specifically chosen for the location that you are currently in. So whether that is in a High School, job, family, babysitter, stay at home mom, and the list goes on, you have to realize that in being chosen for that location, there is something that God needs you to do.
Take inventory of your surroundings and do not look at it from your point of view but look at it from God's point of view. See it as He sees it. Pray and ask, what is it that He would have you to do while you are in this place. I did that when I left my job for the second time when my twin girls were 16 years old. He told me to leave because the girls  needed me during this season in their life. I know the voice of God so I really didn't have to talk to anyone else but I did discuss it with my husband and he fully supported the decision. I told the Director of the company I worked for and while she understood, she still needed my services so we worked out a deal that I would do contract work for the company which was literally my salary but I am now a Contractor and working from home. I have to say, my kids thoroughly enjoyed me being home and so did I. I did not think of it as a chore, I knew the reason and embraced it and for the time they needed me the most..... I was there. So I want to challenge you to not just see where you are, but look at it from a different perspective. God's perspective; and realize that right now, you have an assignment to do, to complete and impact someone's life, you family or families lives, kids in school, patients, co-workers on your job, etc. You have been chosen for your location. God does not call you to an assignment without anointing you and gracing you for it.
~Pastor Raq

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